Term 1 and 2 learning
Oak class went on a community walk as part of our people, culture and communities enquiry. We saw the Co-op and St Martin’s church.

Year 1 have been learning about the countries that make up the United Kingdom. We have learned the capital cities, looked at the flags. Taken virtual tours of the countries and even tasted some foods!

Year 2 have been learning about Continents and oceans.

Year 6 have been learning about food in our enquiry Factories and farming: where does our food come from?
“We learnt that not all of the food we eat starts as the form we see it like chocolate for example. First the sticky white substance is removed then it is left for 6-7 days, then it dries out. After this it gets roasted and the shells separate from the inner parts. After the nibs get ground into cocoa butter then it’s blended with sugar then it’s tempered and shaped.” Izzy
“We learnt about carbon footprint and how it causes climate change” Ugne
“Greenhouse gases cause heat to be trapped in Earth’s atmosphere.” Isobel
“Farms make more food because factories can’t grow food like farms, instead they process food they get from farms.” Danny